Now who can resist an invitation like that! I went and it was really quite surreal! The V&A is a beautiful, big, grand-looking museum and when I walked in, there were people dressed in the weirdest outfits (like dresses made out of plastic cups or someone painted in all blue or someone wearing a clock on their head). I felt very underdressed and ashamed that I looked so ‘normal’.

In the courtyard, hundreds of people were watching two women dressed as lobsters dance around on the balcony. Whilst people clinked their champagne glasses and had surreal conversations, Mark and I wandered off and started being silly in the museum. We took these pics below:

You will find when you are overseas you miss certain sort of conversations you have with certain people at home. Mark is interesting as he is from a different industry and I’d find myself learning about the difference between postmodernism, modernism and fluid modernism in art and other things in the art world that I might not usually come across. I have other friends that I have ‘Seinfield’ conversations with (my American friend) where we can talk for ages about nothing. Here are some pics from Mark's ice cream birthday party where we all got high on ice cream!

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